Dinah and ninety children moved into the Amudurasi Community Daycare Centre in October, 2008. It has been an exciting year for all. An assistant has been hired to help with the care giving. One of the parents prepares a nutritious midday meal. At the time of the move, parents formed a committee charged with ensuring the smooth operation of the program, and there is a waiting list of additional parents asking to enrol their children when the Centre is able to accommodate them.
With a demand for more daycare spaces, the Sankofa Fund will turn its attention to raising funds to enable construction of the remaining two rooms at the Centre.
One of these rooms will be divided to provide for a pre-natal/post-natal maternity clinic. Community health nurses come to the village regularly to educate young mothers and to vaccinate infants. At the present time, they have to manage without a room, gathering under a tree near the village market.
The other part of the room will be dedicated to a library for the school children and stocked with locally written and produced reading material, and thus offering them a chance to practise their reading skills.
people in Africa, and will ensure that their fundraising goes to a worthwhile project. Stay tuned for updates during the year.
While promoting his book, Trustee Chairman, Nana Amoako Agyeman, has also been on the lookout for potential supporters for two more projects which he wants to see manifest in Ghana.
The District Library in New Edubiase is in dire need of refurbishment. Nana, along with support from District Assemblyman, Honourable Mr. William Adansi-Gyimah, has pledged to see the Library restocked with books and ultimately turned into a Distance Learning Centre. He wants
Trustee Chairman, Nana Amoako Agyeman, published his first collection of poetry in April of this year. Named Rainbow Round the African Sun, the proceeds from sales of the book have been
The book can be ordered online from Nana’s blog, http://villagerainbows.com/. Why not order a copy? – it will make a great gift, and the proceeds go to a worthy cause.
During Nana and Comfort’s visit to Canada this year, many folks made contributions to the Africa Sankofa Fund. These donations, along with proceeds from the sale of Nana’s books totalled $770. Pictured with them, is Fund Treasurer, Kathleen Baillie.
How You Can Help
There are different ways in which individuals can help. Perhaps the easiest and most effective at this time is with a financial contribution. At this time, contributions are required to enable construction to continue on the remaining two classrooms of the Daycare Centre. Remember - a tax receipt will be issued and your donation will act as a credit against your Canadian Income Tax. Mail your donations to the treasurer as follows:
Kathleen Baillie 334 J.J. Thiesen Way Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 5P4 Phone (country code 001) (306)934-0054 E-mail Address: mailto:baillie.clan@sasktel.net
The legendary Sankofa bird is a powerful symbol for the Akan people of Ghana, West Africa, with its head turned facing backwards, often with an egg in its mouth. The Sankofa bird looks back to where it came from, as it decides the path that it will take in the future. In the same way, past history and traditions must be remembered and respected as plans are made for the future. The Africa Sankofa Fund chose this symbol because it represents the philosophy which will be adopted to turn the charity’s objectives into reality.
For more information, contact Kathleen in
Saskatoon (as above), or Rod and Comfort
in Ghana:
Rod and Comfort McLaren
P.O. Box TD1106
Mobile 233-244-891687
E-mail: nkosuohene@gmail.com
Blog: http://africasankofafund.blogspot.com/